
Management Philosophy

We are designing
exitement and happiness


“Building a society with dreams”

Wishing for the happiness of everyone involved in Seiwa Business and realizing a sustainable society and a bright future where people can actively engage in various activities.


“A company that is trusted”

Being a company that is widely trusted and chosen by society, as well as customers and employees, through the creation of a society where workers are happy and have dreams.


“Creating new space and more time
in places where people gather”

Bringing together all wisdom, designing new ways of working in places where people gather, and creating space and time.

Action Guidelines

o share emotion and joy with our customers and work colleagues:

  1. We take pride as professionals to always challenge and continue to create new ideas and unique inspiration.
  2. We will build equal relationships with our partners and demonstrate our comprehensive strengths to provide total solutions.
  3. We respect individuality and diversity to realize growth and happiness for our employees.
  4. We act with passion and sincerity, demonstrating teamwork both inside and outside the company.
  5. We will innovate to solve both customer and social issues, thinking from the customer's point of view.
  6. We will always strive to improve and continue to provide the highest quality service.

Our Website Operation (Links to Japanese sites)